Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Title Support of Maintaining Academic Standards for Alcohol and Drug Academic Program


Resolution Number: 09.13

Contact: Barbara Croteau

Assigned to: Senate President

Category: Curriculum

Status: Completed

Whereas, The California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators has for the last 25 years been funded by the California Department of Alcohol and Drugs to provide high academic education standards for over 40 community colleges;

Whereas, an effective alcohol and drug academic program in community college provides students with the highest level of education available, and a faculty that ascribes to those high standards is necessary to maintain the level of academic quality; and

Whereas, Current state legislative policy discussions would permit the use of lower academic standards within the field of alcohol and drug education;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators to ensure faculty participation in any changes to academic programs in alcohol and drug education; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Department of Alcohol and Drugs to ensure that any changes in academic standards meet both the Academic Senate and the Chancellor’s Office minimum faculty qualifications and curriculum standards.

Disposition: Local Senates, California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators, California Department of Alcohol and Drugs

Status Report: The Senate will assist the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Educators more as necessary to accomplish the intent of this resolution.